Mathias Fege
Skipper, Segellehrer, Yacht-Charter Agent
Skipper, Sailing Instructor, Yacht-Charter Agent
Υπεύθυνος ναύλωσης σκαφών
Kontaktdaten / Contact Details / επαφή
Tel / phone / Τηλ
E-Mail / e-mail / Ηλεκτρονικό ταχυδρομείο
Geschäftsadresse DE / business address DE / διεύθυνση των επιχειρήσεων
Geschäftsadresse GR / business address GR / διεύθυνση των επιχειρήσεων
MwSt.-ID/ VAT/μέγας κάδος:
0049 1577 – 319 07 03
Am Eldetal 2A
19294 Gorlosen
Spyrou Peroulaki (Thesi Mantzorou), Corfu 49100
Σπύρου Περουλάκη (Θέση Μαντζόρου) Κέρκυρα 49100
Experience & Licences
– Lifelasting sailing experience: started with dingys, developed to yachts
– yachting in the Ionian since 2010
– atlantic crossing as skipper 2018 (backroute)
– „Sportbootsführerschein See“ since 2008
– „Sportküstenschifferschein“ since 2010
– Short Range Certificate since 2013
– „Sportseeschifferschein since 2019
Εμπειρίες & Άδειες
– Ζωηρόχρονη εμπειρία ιστιοπλοΐας: ξεκίνησε με dingy, αναπτύχθηκε σε γιοτ
– Yachting στο Ιόνιο από το 2010
– Διέλευση Ατλαντικού ως πλοιάρχου 2018 (πίσω διαδρομή)
– „Λίμνη αδειοδότησης αθλητικών σκαφών“ από το 2008
– „Sportküstenschifferschein“ από το 2010
– „Short Range Certificate“ από το 2013
– „Sportseeschifferschein από το 2019
Legal status & Location
– Located in Corfu near Gouvia Marina
– registered Company in Corfu (see right)
– able to write invoices
Νομική κατάσταση και τοποθεσία
– Βρίσκεται στην Κέρκυρα κοντά στη Μαρίνα Γουβιών
– εγγεγραμμένη εταιρεία στην Κέρκυρα (βλ. δεξιά)
– δυνατότητα εγγραφής τιμολογίων
References of professionals:
Klaus Mayer; SailYourSoul (translated – Original see here)
Mathias works for SailYourSoul as a skipper and charter agent. He continues his enthusiasm for sailing to our guests, who return without exception with praise from the trips with Mathias. Through his sailing experience, he has our ships under control in any situation and in any weather and radiates calm and sovereignty towards the guests. He never returned from his travels with damage caused by Him. Mathias has a strong territorial knowledge in the Ionian Sea and is constantly expanding it. He is particularly individually on the wishes of the guests. Through his special empathy and high level of education, he can also meet particularly demanding guests and is through his language skills in German, English and Russian versatile. He was able to bind regular customers to himself and us and there were follow-up bookings, which he handled independently. He is always loyal to the Charter Company commissioning him, both at our company and all other companies we know and work for. There was never any irritation or conflict of interest. After the first successful season as a skipper for us, he created an impressive and modern website, integrated our yachts in his offer and has since successfully marketed independently for many weeks. As a charter agent, he has become a strong and trustworthy partner for us. I can fully recommend Mathias to anyone in the Ionian Sea as a skipper and charter agent.